A Business Word About Words and the English Language

Peyton Duplechien • 07 Sep 2015 • 3 min read

The English language has long interested scholars and common people. Its widespread use often leads to the evolution of colloquialisms and regional influences on the language. However, proper English usage requires an understanding of grammar rules, phonics, and being able to use English words, phrases, and expressions properly. There’s been a larger discussion on how the English language and grammar usage impacts business when communicating with customers. How do slang and text language impact your business?

English Usage

Using the English language from a fluency perspective might mean keeping all the grammar rules in mind while using the right words and phrases. While this may seem constricting and rigid to many, these are the components we’re taught in school. But how do these components apply to business communication?
Here are some tools to help you keep your business communications professional and effective:

  • Common Errors: When writing ad copy or even emails or communications with customers, you’ll want to try to avoid extreme errors.
  • Business Language Rules: A series of audio clips to learn business English for a host of business situations such as office socializing or dealing with difficult clients.


Grammar is the basis of any language and using correct grammar is vital to using the language properly. In English, grammar rules can often confuse new learners or non-native speakers. Grammar can also impact how people receive your sentence, is it literal? Or should there be a comma to convey what you’re really trying to say?
Use these guides to help make sure you’re getting your message across:

Phrases & Expressions

Phrases and expressions are an important part of the language. These are essentially groups of words that are joined together to create a meaningful expression. Over time, these become a part of the language, and using them fluently in writing and speaking adds a certain elegance to language. On the other hand, using an inappropriate phrase can ruin an entire conversation.


Phonics is extremely important to learn to read well. Knowing the “sound” of a letter is useful in learning to speak it properly as well as read it easily. You can practice phonics and pronunciation with these tools:

  • Phonic Rules: Provides a complete list of phonics and syllable rules.


Having a good vocabulary is essential to be able to market and sell your services or products to their fullest potential. A limited repertoire of words will only restrict chances of being able to communicate fluently and expressively. There are many ways to increase and build vocabulary, however; communicating and reading are two proven ways of learning and using new words with ease.

Fun with Words

Once the English language rules and usage have been learned, it becomes easy to use words to make poems, write articles and just have fun with words and sentences

  • Tongue Twisters: Practice saying tongue twisters to improve pronunciation.
  • Anagrams: Anagrams are words or phrases formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. Learn more about anagrams.

Phone Calls & Live Chats

Communicating on the phone or in chats to businesses can be demanding when trying to follow along with some of these rules. How can you ensure that your clients are receiving the service they need? What if your customers need a bilingual option but that’s not in the budget of your business?

Interested in optimizing your phone calls and live chats?
Contact a live answering expert today at VoiceNation!