How to create a professional voicemail greeting

Kate Onissiphorou • 3 weeks ago • 3 min read

Most of your customers will call your business to get in touch with you so it’s important that every business call is answered. But no matter how hard you try, some calls will be missed. So ensuring you have a professional voicemail greeting in place is important as it will help your customers to feel heard and they will be more inclined to leave a message or call back another time. Knowing how to create the right voicemail is essential, in this blog we will discuss the steps required to make a professional voicemail and some examples of what to include.

What are business voicemail greetings

Business voicemail greetings are the pre-recorded messages you leave on your phone when you can’t answer a call. These messages typically inform callers who they’ve reached, why you’re unavailable, and what they should do next (e.g., leave a message, call back, etc.). The goal is to ensure the caller feels acknowledged and knows how to proceed even in your absence.

Why is it important to create a professional voicemail greeting?

Creating a professional voicemail greeting is essential for several reasons:

  1. First impressions matter: When someone calls you, it’s an opportunity to showcase your business’ personality and professionalism. If they can’t reach you on the phone, your voicemail will be their first impression. A well-crafted message can go a long way in building trust.
  2. Credibility: A clear, confident voicemail greeting shows that you’re serious about your work and lets people know you respect their time and value communication.
  3. Encourages action: A professional greeting guides callers on what to do next, whether it’s leaving a message or calling back at a specific time. This can improve customer service and ensure you don’t miss any important calls.
  4. Consistency: A consistent voicemail greeting across your team members creates a uniform experience for clients and customers, which can strengthen your business’ overall brand.

What should you include in a professional voicemail greeting

To create a professional voicemail greeting, there are a few key elements to include. Here’s a checklist of what you should feature:

  1. A friendly introduction: Starting by letting the caller know they’ve reached the right person, this helps to set a welcoming tone.
  2. State your availability: Briefly mention why you can’t take the call at the moment. You don’t need to go into detail, just a simple “I’m currently away from the phone” will work.
  3. Provide an alternative contact method: If possible, let the caller know when they can expect you to be available or how to reach you in another way.  
  4. Clear instructions: Encourage callers to leave a message with their name, number, and reason for calling. You want to ensure the conversation is continued efficiently when you get back to them.
  5. Professional sign-off: End with a thank you or a polite close to wrap things up on a positive note.

Professional voicemail greeting examples

Here are a few voicemail greeting examples that you can use as inspiration:

  1. “Hello, you’ve reached [your name] with [company]. I’m unable to take your call right now, but please leave a message with your name, number, and a brief description of how I can help, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!”
  2. “Hi, this is [your name] with [your company]. I’m sorry I missed your call! Please leave your name and number, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can. Looking forward to speaking with you soon!”
  3. “Hello, you’ve reached [your name] at [company]. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, from 9 AM to 5 PM. If you’re calling outside of those hours, please leave your message after the beep, and I’ll return your call during the next business day. Thanks, and I look forward to speaking with you soon!”
  4. “Hi, you’ve reached [your name], [position] at [company]. I’m currently in meetings or away from the phone, but I’d love to hear from you! Please leave your name, contact number, and a brief message, and I’ll make sure to get back to you as soon as I’m available. If this is urgent, you can reach my assistant at [Assistant’s phone number]. Thanks, and talk soon!”
  5. Hello, this is [your name] at [company]. Thanks for calling. Please leave your name, number, and the reason you’d like to chat, and I’ll get back to you ASAP.”

For a lighter touch, you can consider creating funny voicemail greetings that align with your business’s personality.

When to consider an answering service

If you find that you’re missing important calls or simply don’t have time to listen to every voicemail, using an answering service over a voicemail might be the right solution for your business. Using an answering service can help you maintain professionalism while offering benefits like 24/7 availability, the ability to capture every inquiry, and provide a great customer experience. This can be especially useful if you’re managing a busy schedule, have clients in different time zones, or if you want to ensure that no call is ever missed.

In a world where first impressions count, it’s worth making sure your business is able to provide a great first impression every time a customer calls. As America’s best answering service, VoiceNation offers the best people and best pricing, contact us today to find out more!