October 12, 2009 — With the recent launch of a Next Generation Call Center, VoiceNation selected the Open Source Asterisk PBX for the critical role of telephone switching platform due to its flexibility, extensive functionality, and capacity for lowering operating costs.
Already a forward thinking company, VoiceNation recognized Asterisk as a perfect fit for their vision of developing Next Generation solutions for their customers. Integrating proprietary solutions with Asterisk, VoiceNation is able to create unmatched features and services that the Telephone Answering Service (TAS) industry has yet to benefit from. One of those proprietary products is TASterix, arguably the best Call Center solution available anywhere. By licensing the source to TASterix and working in concert with TASterix developers, VoiceNation is helping to create the ultimate Answering Service for all.
Jay Reeder, founder and CEO of VoiceNation, states, “We chose Asterisk due to the affordability and incredible flexibility of their solution. With access to Asterisk source code, our internal development team (with over twenty years of experience) can now support and create advanced features in concert with TASterix, the premier asterisk based call center solution.”
In a recent survey of over 7,000 companies, the Eastern Management Group reported that “Open Source PBX now accounts for 18% of the overall PBX market”. Asterisk open source technology has been adopted by many of these Companies because of its flexibility. Through this software call center developers have been given the tools to create complete unified communication systems. Asterisk also gives developers the tools they need to add new life to existing call center solutions by adding remote IP agent capabilities, advanced skills-based routing, predictive and bulk dialing, and more.
VoiceNation continues to leverage the transparency of open source technologies to help innovate and drive down costs for their customers. Customization can be carried out without charging clients high fees or turning away new accounts. As a result, the cost of their services decreases and makes them available to everyone, no matter how small their operation. VoiceNation Telephony Services exceed anything available in the industry so far, making them always the consumer’s preferred choice.
Even the largest of organizations, to include IBM and Google, agree that many minds working in concert on open source technologies can accomplish far more, in a shorter time frame, than a handful working behind closed doors.
About VoiceNation:
VoiceNation, America’s leader in virtual PBX and voicemail was founded in 2002 by President Jay Reeder and opened their Next Generation call centers in 2009. The company has grown to serve more than 40,000 customers including FEMA, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Dell, AIG and the U.S. Coast Guard. They leverage the very latest in proprietary technology solutions in order to deliver quality call answering services at the lowest cost to their customers. To learn more about VoiceNation and their services, please visit http://www.voicenationstaging.info/.