Customer service email etiquette tips

Kate Onissiphorou • 2 weeks ago • 4 min read

Delivering great service isn’t just about the conversations you have over the phone or in person with customers. With a rise in digital communication, the pressure is higher than ever for your emails to deliver and make an impact with every send. However, as our inboxes continue to fill up, the etiquette within them seems to be declining.

So, everyone is sending emails, but many are making avoidable mistakes! To stand out from the crowd, you need to perfect one key skill: email etiquette. Keep reading to find out what it is, why it’s so important, the benefits and how to implement it.

What is email etiquette for customer service?

Before we discuss why customer service email etiquette is so important, we need to outline exactly what it is. Email etiquette is a list of rules you need to follow when writing or replying to an email. It’s there to help you draft emails to new and existing clients, and guides you on the language, tone and timing of your emails to make sure they land in the best possible way. No one wants dissatisfied customers!

Why is email etiquette in customer service so important?

As we’ve just said, no one wants unhappy customers. Emails are such a popular and important communication tool to use with your customers, and they’re also a key element of your customer journey. Great email etiquette for customer service is important for a multitude of reasons, including the accurate relaying of information, appropriate brand image and representation, and efficient customer service delivery.

What are the benefits of email etiquette for customer service?

There are many benefits of great email etiquette for customer service. Take customer retention, for example – something all businesses should have at the top of their list. Existing customers spend more over time than new ones, so it’s important you keep them happy. You also want any new customers to your business to receive a great first impression. So, when it comes to the emails you send, anything poorly written won’t help your business earn or keep customers coming back. Other key benefits include improved professionalism, stronger brand image and higher customer satisfaction.

How to implement good customer service email etiquette?

Now you know how important customer service email etiquette is, let’s take a look at how to implement it in your business. Start by establishing the do’s you should consider when it comes to writing emails:

1. Grammar and spelling

This might seem like such a simple thing, but the amount of spelling and grammatical errors that go out in emails from businesses is shocking, considering the majority of people have spell check on their computers. Make sure you give your emails a proofread once you’ve written it, and remember there’s no harm in asking a colleague to give it a once over as well. Getting this basic point wrong could give customers the impression you haven’t taken time or care over your email.

2. Broken links and attachments

There is nothing more annoying than when someone references an attachment that isn’t there. There’s also nothing more embarrassing than having to apologize to the sender about forgetting it the first time round and having to resend after, ouch! If you’ve said you’re going to attach something, make sure to always double check it’s there, and in a format the receiver can view before you send it. Links in emails are really useful, but only if they work.

3. A consistent and friendly tone of voice

Making sure you have a friendly and inviting tone in your emails is important to achieve good customer relationships, and set everyone at ease. Even when your customer is angry about something, trying to keep a friendly and understanding tone at all times is critical.

4. Keep it simple!

Overcomplicating your emails can lead to frustrated customers. Make sure your message is clear and you’ve answered all of their questions without offering too much more information that would only confuse things more.

What not to do with customer service etiquette

What not to put in emails is just as important as what you put in. Here’s some of the big no-nos when it comes to customer service email etiquette:

1. Don’t make your customers wait

When a customer has a problem, they want it resolved right away. Especially crucial if it’s a complaint about a negative experience, it’s important to not keep them waiting any longer than you have to – it will only make them more frustrated and intolerable.

2. Don’t reply when angry

No good will come of you replying to a customer when you’re angry or frustrated at the situation. Even if your customer is rude to you, you can’t do this back. Remember one of the do’s, always have a friendly tone of voice, even when you don’t feel like it!

3. Don’t miss out on using hello and thank you

Simple things like greeting the customer correctly and saying thank you for their patience can go a long way, so don’t forget the basics.

4. Don’t use slang

Yes you need to be friendly, but don’t slip into using colloquialisms and slang. Remember you are representing your business, and have a reputation to uphold.

Take your customer service to the next level with VoiceNation

Emails are a great way to interact with your customers, so make sure you and your team have customer service email etiquette nailed. Sometimes though, emails just don’t quite do the job, and customers need to talk to you over the phone.

VoiceNation gives you America’s best virtual receptionists to help answer your business calls and treat customers to the same high level of customer service etiquette as you do. To discuss our pricing packages, call 866-766-5050 – we can’t wait to talk with you!