The benefits of an answering service for directors

Dan Marshall • 29 Feb 2024 • 3 min read

Directors are constantly juggling multiple responsibilities from the everyday tasks to the big picture projects. With all these jobs on their plate, it’s no surprise that directors struggle to find any time to run and manage their business on a day-to-day basis.

One solution to this is an answering service. Directors can free up valuable time by sending unwanted, spam and sales calls elsewhere, leaving them to work more efficiently, get more done and keep their business running smoothly.

More productivity (for directors and across the business too!)

No two days are the same for a company director, and indeed no two company directors have the same days. What they do have in common however, is just how busy they are.

From answering calls to sorting emails, managing employees to putting out fires, and attending meetings, a directors day is pretty booked up before it even starts. When a director finally has time out of meetings and other engagements to sit down and get work done, the last thing they want is to be interrupted by calls. The University of California conducted a study which concluded a distraction, like an unwanted call, can take 25 minutes to recover from and refocus. The fact this doesn’t even include the time spent on the call itself, you can see how easily a few calls can ruin a whole day’s productivity.

With an answering service for directors, unwanted calls can be taken by receptionists who know the business and its priorities, leaving directors free to get on with what they do best and increase their productivity for the job in hand.

Never worry about missing a business call

Despite the multiple communication channels now available, phone calls are still the most valuable sales leads companies receive. People who take the time to pick up the phone to contact a business have greater intent about making a decision or a purchase. If this customer’s call then goes unanswered, they’re more than likely to move onto the next company rather than leave a message or try to call back. By using an answering service for directors, like VoiceNation’s, you’ll be confident in the knowledge you’re never missing calls or the chance of new business again.

Be available 24/7

With VoiceNation’s 24/7 call answering capabilities, whenever a call comes into your business, know it will be answered by our friendly and capable receptionists. In recent years, with the growth of hybrid working and ‘always on’ culture, it’s important to be available for those customers who can only get in touch outside of your regular working hours. Capture opportunities around the clock, knowing your customers and prospects are in safe hands.

Some sectors need more help out of hours than others, like Funeral Directors. It’s a sad truth that their services need to be available at all times. With phone answering services for funeral directors, like the one provided by VoiceNation, they can have peace of mind that calls will be answered promptly and with compassion.

Reduce stress and help your wellbeing

Constant interruptions and lack of productivity can contribute to high levels of stress. Increased stress can lead to even the simplest of tasks becoming time consuming and frustrating, as well as adding to the likelihood of mistakes being made. 

Directors of international firms often experience interruptions into their evenings, which can really impact their wellbeing and work-life balance. It’s not just directors of big corporations who find their leisure time interrupted. Those who are directors of small companies or startups often find themselves with many hats on, having to deal with Marketing, Sales, and HR all at the same time, which can become very overwhelming. With a 24/7 answering service, you can finally find greater balance, knowing all calls will be answered and only urgent calls will be passed through.

These are just some of the many benefits you would see by using an answering service for directors. Allow yourself to work smart and not harder with the help of our awesome receptionists.