5 benefits of a chiropractor answering service

Peyton Duplechien • 08 May 2019 • 3 min read

Any chiropractor knows just how valuable their patient’s time is, meaning you need to be able to answer any and all incoming calls quickly and efficiently to meet their needs. However, when the studio is as busy as the phone lines, this can suddenly become quite tricky. 

Unfortunately, according to a study by Marketing Land as many as 74% of people who have a bad phone experience will likely choose to do business with a competitor in the future. This means you need to be on hand to meet their needs promptly.

But How can you do this when you’ve got both new customers and patients to attend to simultaneously? Well, one of the most effective solutions to this common problem is to make use of a Live Answering Service. Such as the one we offer here at VoiceNation!

Below are five live answering features you can benefit from when you make use of our live answering service.

1. A 24/7 answering service

Perhaps the best and primary benefit of having a chiropractic answering service is the fact that you can answer your calls 24/7, 365 days a week without any issues. It goes without saying that many patients work the same hours as you, which makes answering their calls outside of work time an absolute must. 

With our team of expert receptionists acting as your chiropractic answering service, you don’t have to worry about missing customer appointments, handling rescheduling needs, and even taking care of calls outside of hours. Our Virtual Receptionist team can handle them all. 

2. Easy follow-up calls

Another key benefit of having an answering service for chiropractors is that our receptionists can handle all your followup call needs, letting you touch base with your clients to see how they’re doing. 

According to Physicians Practice, performing follow-up calls can help you and your staff learn more about your patients’ experiences in your office directly from the source.

This is backed further by South Florida Hospital News which quoted Dr. Jay Kaplan, the medical director of Studer Group (a healthcare coaching organization), who stated that doctors have a 90% chance of keeping patients whom they call within 48 hours of discharge.

Unfortunately, the follow-up call is one of the first items to be dropped from an action item list because it can take up so much of your staff members’ time. In situations like this, a Live Answering Service can take care of your follow-up calls for you so that you can focus on more pressing needs, like caring for patients currently visiting you for appointments.

3. Providing directions

While a live answering service is certainly useful for handling the day-to-day needs of your customers, one thing it can also do is provide the directions needed for patients looking to travel to you for the first time. 

This addition to your chiropractor answering service can help patients avoid the hassle of getting lost on the way to their appointments and can reduce the number of late arrivals or no-shows your business receives.

4. Collecting contact information

Anyone working in a medical role knows that it can sometimes take a long time to track down and verify patient information, including insurance details, contact info, and the payment type required.

So, instead of having your in-house receptionist dedicate a large portion of their time towards taking care of these important details, you can instead outsource them to a live chiropractor answering service.

By doing this, you can specify what type of information you want the answering service receptionist to collect, as well as any practice-specific forms that you need to be filled out with this information.

5. Forwarding messages

Last, but not least, the fifth main benefit of having an answering service for chiropractors is that you can meet patient needs even outside of office hours. And while you might not have time to do this, it’s simply not a problem for a live chiropractic answering service. 

With our expert receptionists on hand at all times of the day, they can forward any and all messages to you on a prompt and discreet basis, meaning you can get back to your immediate patient’s needs as soon as possible. 

These five points are just the core benefits of having a chiropractic answering service benefits, and there are many more out there that you can make use of. Get in touch with our team at VoiceNation to learn more, as well as enquiring about our other services, such as our live chat options for your website.

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