The best productivity apps to make your day easier

Isabella Roland • 04 Jan 2023 • 4 min read

No matter what industry you work in, you probably know just how difficult it can be to maintain productivity throughout the day. From constant calls to overrunning meetings, there’s plenty that can get in the way throughout the day.

Fortunately, we now live in an age where apps can not only curtail this but actively boost productivity in their own right. In fact, there are a plethora of free productivity apps already out there just waiting for you to try.

So, whether you’re looking to be more mindful, grow your business, or get organized, we have the list of personal productivity apps for you. Keep scrolling to see our top apps for business owners looking to stay productive this year.

1. Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook in the App Store

When it comes to keeping your organizations, meetings, and emails together in one place, you can’t do much better than the tried and tested Outlook. One of the best productivity apps out there, Outlook can give you access to multiple email accounts and calendars simultaneously, so you can stay up to date on the go.

Best of all, the Outlook app is free to use and easy to navigate. You can coordinate with other members of your team using Outlook’s calendar function, get alerts if you or anyone invited has a scheduling conflict, and set up all of your digital Teams meetings in the calendar.

Outlook will then email links to those invited so they can join, regardless of whether attendees have a Microsoft account set up or not. Outlook is simply the perfect personal productivity app for multi-platform use, keeping your phone and laptop synced with your calendar.

2. MasterClass

MasterClass in apple app store

It goes without saying that the best business owners are always looking to broaden their knowledge base, which is exactly why you should try out MasterClass. A great subscription-based platform, MasterClass lets you learn from experts about their experiences in their particular industry.

MasterClass is definitely one of the best apps for businesses that you should take advantage of as you quickly can stream the videos on your phone, computer, or smart TV for the perfect educational entertainment during any duration of breaks.

They even offer video series classes on subjects that range from cooking to leadership to wellness, so you’ll be able to learn something new even if you have little spare time on your hands.

3. VoiceNation Mobile

VoiceNation app in the Apple App store

Okay, so we might be a little biased, but for good reason. If one of your goals this year is to grow your business, Then the VoiceNation mobile app is the perfect tool to have by your side.

As America’s top Live Answering Service, we’ll make sure you never miss a call from current or potential customers, putting them straight through to a professional Virtual Receptionist who can handle their needs and queries. After all, missed calls are missed business opportunities.

You can even track your call activity, view important analytics with your customers 24/7, and track your minutes, all in one place, making it a must-have app for big and small businesses alike.

4. Hootsuite

hootsuite app listed in apple app store

Last, but by no means least, we have Hootsuite – a tool that’s dedicated to organizing all your social media streams into one easy-to-access, aesthetically pleasing spot in your phone.

Hootsuite makes it so that you can keep all your feeds lined up in one platform, scheduling any and all the posts you want to send out, and giving you the tools needed to plan the layout of your brand image.

And there you have it! It might be a short but sweet list, but with these top personal productivity apps to hand, you’ll have your day sorted and organized for minimal disruptions.

Of course, if you want to keep disruptions as low as possible, then VoiceNation’s answering service is here to help. As we’ve already pointed out, our team of receptionists can be on hand to meet all your call needs. We even offer Live Chat services for those who need it.

Get in touch today to learn more about what we can offer your business. And don’t forget to browse our blog for similar blogs to this one. We have articles on the best apps for influencers, how to balance your personal and professional life, and the 5 best e-commerce apps.

By Isabella Roland

Isabella Roland is a Marketing Assistant at VoiceNation. She is currently pursuing a Bachelors of Arts in Interdisciplinary History and a Minor in Business Administration at Georgia Gwinnett College and often spends time at school as an active member of the GGC Honors Program. In her free time, she can be found reading, exploring, or cooking.